Diecast za početnike/Diecast for beginners

Diecast igračke su napravljenje korišćenjem metode livenja (die cast method), to je proces kod koga se istopljeni metal utiskuje u kalup pod velikim pritiskom. Diecast igračke su napravljene od metala ali često imaju detalje od plastike, gume,  ili čak i od stakla. Diecast igračke su prvi put napravljene početkom 20-og veka. Ali diecast autmobili koji će vremenom postati najpoznatiji tip diecast igračke, neće biti napravljen sve do kasnih 1940-ih. Prva komercijalna proizvdnja diecast automobila je bila Matchbox (kutija šibica) 1-75 series by Lesney.  Njihova popularna Matcbox serija 1-75 je nazvana tako, jer su uvek imali 75 različitih vozila  u seriji, svaki upakovan u malu kutiji, dizajniranu tako da izgleda kao kutija za šibice.

Diecast toys are made using the die casting method, a process that forces molten metal into a mold cavity under high pressure. Diecast toys are made entirely of metal but often have details made of plastic, rubber, and even glass. Diecast toys were first made in the early 20th century. The diecast car, however, which would become the most popular type of diecast toy in history, was not made until the late 1940s. The first commercial line of diecast cars was the Matchbox 1-75 series by Lesney. Their popular Matchbox 1-75 series was so named because there were always 75 different vehicles in the line, each packaged in a small box designed to look like those used for matches.

sakupljanje diecast automobila

Danas su, diecast automobili  dostupni u širokom opsegu. Neki diecast automobili su napravljeni isključivo kao igračke dok su drugi usmereni ka kolekcionarima. Diecast automobili su dostupni kao tradicionalno fiksirani modeli i kao uradi sam kit modeli. Tržište je je raznovrsno i nije ograničeno samo na putničke automobile. I ostale intersantne katogorije su uključene sportski automobili, Nascar, kamioni, građevinska vozila, i servis vozila. Zbog velikih mogućnosti, novi kolekcionari mogu biti uplašeni kada započinju sa ovim hobijem. Ovo su 11  saveta za sakupljanje diecast automobila, koji će olakšati skupljanje.

Collecting Diecast Cars

Today, diecast cars are available to the consumer in a wide range of options. Some diecast cars are made specifically as toys while others are geared toward the collector. Diecast cars are also available in traditional fixed models and as do-it-yourself model kits. The market is also rather diverse and not just limited to passenger cars. Other popular categories include sports cars, NASCAR, trucks, construction vehicles, and service vehicles. Due to the sheer array of options, new collectors often find entry into the hobby to be daunting. Here are 11 essential tips for diecast car collecting that will ease the transition.

1.      1. Pažljivo održavanje diecast automobila

Najuobičajna greška, koju čine novi kolekcionari je da oni ne održavaju svoje modele, ili ne shvataju da je održavanje neophodno. Svi diecast automobili, bili oni otvoreni ili u pakovanju, trebali bi se držati na sobnoj temperaturi, trebalo bi da se čuvaju na mestima gde nema vlage, i trebaju redovno da se čiste od prašine. Izloženi modeli će vremenom propasti. Ovaj proces se može izbeći korišćenjem kesa protiv propadanja (anti-tarnish bags), kao što su oni koji se koriste za nakit, ali većina kolekcionara želi da izloži svoje diecast automobile na otvorenom. Najozbiljniji kolekcionari preporučuju kupovinu kit-a za održavanje koji uključuje vosak i sredstvo za čišćenje. Kolekcinari  treba da nanesu sloj voska čim izvade model iz originalnog pakovanja. Ponovno nanošenje voska se vrši na 5 do 10 godina, ali treba videti u upustvima. Kada je jednom stavljen vosak, treba samo povremeno obrisati prašinu vlažnom krpom , ili ukoliko model ima nalepnice, korisititi krpu od mikrofibera. Da bi se očistila unutrašnjost, najbolje je koristiti kompresovan vazduh, ali paziti sa koje udaljenosti, zbog otvaranja, preporučuje se udaljenost od oko 15 cm. Treba biti pažljiv kako ne bi došlo do kondezacije u modelima. 

1. Maintain Diecast Cars Carefully 

The most common mistake that new collectors make is that they do not maintain their diecast cars or even realize that such maintenance is necessary. All diecast cars,, whether open or still in the retail packaging, should be kept at room temperature, kept in a relatively dry environment, and dusted regularly. Over time, exposed diecast cars will tarnish. This process can be avoided by using anti-tarnish bags, such as those used for jewelry, but most collectors want to display their diecast cars out in the open. Most serious collectors recommend buying a diecast car maintenance or detailing kit, which includes wax, a cleaning solution, and applicators. Collectors should apply a coating of wax as soon as a diecast car is removed from the packaging. For re-waxing, follow the instructions, but it is generally only required once every five to ten years. Once glazed, simply use a damp cloth, or a microfiber cloth if the car has decals, to dust. To clean an interior, use a can of compressed air and spray approximately six inches from the opening. Be careful not to overspray since this can cause condensation in the car
Kit za održavanje /detaling kit

2. Kako započeti?

Prva i osnovna stvar je da odlučite šta želite da skupljate. Neki kolekcionari skupljaju sve, odmah da vam kažem da je to nemoguće. Neki se odluče da skupljaju određenu marku (Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes), drugi opet skupljaju određeni šampionat (F1, WTCC, WRC..), treći domaće automobile, četvrti po sistemu šta im se svidi, lista je predugačka a vaš je izbor šta želite. Ono što je važno je da ne svaštarite mnogo, što se pre odlučite život će vam biti lakši.

3.How to start?

The first and main thing is to decide what you want to collect. Some collectors collect everything, I want to tell you that this is impossible. Some choose to collect a certain brand (Ferrari, BMW, Mercedes), others collect certain championship (F1, WTCC, WRC ..), the third domestic cars, the fourth have system, they buy what they like, the list is too long and it's your choice what you want. What is important is that you do not buy everything , all you need is decide what you gonna buy and your life will be alot easier.

4. Pratite

Da bi ste znali šta je to MINT, šta je to Minichamps, koji model je bolji a koji lošiji, najbolji način za učenje je praćenje vesti, i učlanjivanje na razne Fejsbuk grupe,  forume, praćenje sajtova proizvođača, posećivanje berza, praćenje blogova i td.  Na ovaj način će te upoznati nove ljude, sa kojim će te pričati o hobiju, razmenjivaćete iskustva, formiraćete nova prijateljstva i još mnogo toga.

4. Follow

In order to know what it is MINT, what is it Minichamps, which model is better and which worse, the best way to learn is to follow the news, and join the various Facebook groups, forums, websites monitor manufacturers, visiting the stock market, tracking blogs, etc. . In this way you will meet new people with whom you will talk about the hobby, and you will exchange experiences, and form new friendships and much more.
  Neke korisne stranice:
 Modeli automobila,kupovina,prodaja,zamena!-Facebook stranica gde ćete sresti sjajne ljude, gde možete kupiti model i još mnogo toga
Berza autića u NS - Kafe STING - Ovde možete videti datume održavanja berze u Novom Sadu
Klub Mint- Ovde možete videti datume održavanja berze u Beogradu
Autići - Sjajan forum gde možete predstaviti svoju kolekciju, upoznati sjajne ljude i naučiti svašta.
Kupujem prodajem - Ovde možete kupiti modele
Matijaconnoisseur - Sjajan blog o modelima u razmeri 1/18
http://143ll.blogspot.com - Sjajan blog o modelima u razmeri 1/43 
Scale143 - Forum vezan za razmeru 1/43
Diecastchange - Ovde možete videti sjajne prerade, možete predstaviti svoju kolekciju i još mnogo toga
ck-modelcars.de - sajt za kupovinu modela
Modelissimo.de - sajt za kupovinu modela
Carmodel.com sajt za kupovinu modela
ebay.com sajt za kupovinu modela
Some useful pages:
http://143ll.blogspot.com -Great blog about car in scale 1/43 
Scale143 - Forum for scale 1/43
Diecastchange - Here you can see custom diecast, you can introduce your collection
ck-modelcars.de - here you can buy your models
Modelissimo.de - here you can buy your models
Carmodel.com here you can buy your models
ebay.com here you can buy your models

 5. Strpljen spašen
Pre nego što što počnete impulsivno da kupujete sve što vas zaintrigira, stanite dobro razmislite, jer u suprotnom brzo ćete se zasititi, a vaš džep će ostati prazan. Napravite wish listu, i polako kupujte, niko nije napravio kolekciju za jedan dan, ni za mesec dana, to je nešto u čemu se uživa godinama. Cene se menjaju svaki trenutak, nešto što bih ste danas platili 40e, sutra će na popustu koštati 20e. zato čekajte. Odlučite šta hoćete i čekajte.

5. Patient saved

Before you start to impulsive buying everything you intrigue, stand and good think about it, otherwise you will quickly saturate, and your pocket will remain empty. Make a wish list, and slowly buy, no one has made a collection for one day, or a month, it is something that you can  enjoy for years. Prices change every moment, something I've paid 40e today, tomorrow will be discounted cost 20e, so wait. Decide what you want and wait.
 6.  Odobir razmere
Diecast automobili se prave u različitim razmerama od 1:12 do 1:148. Najčešće razmere koje kolekcionari skupljaju su 1:18, 1:24, 1:43, 1:87.. Ono što će te vremenom naučiti je da je 1:43 najstarija razmera a samim tim i je i moguć najširi izbor modela . Odabir razmere se vrši na osnovu onog šta želite da skupljate, koliko detalja želite da vaš model ima, i koliko novca želite da izdvojite. 

 6. Chose your scale

Diecast cars are made in different scales from 1:12 to 1: 148th The most common scale that collectors collect are 1:18, 1:24, 1:43, 1:87 ..You will  learn that the oldest 1:43 scale and therefore is the widest range of models available. Choosing the scale is made on the basis of what you want to collect, how much detail you want your model has, and how much money you want to spend.

7. Budite kolekcionari ne preprodavci

Preprodaja modela može da bude unosan posao, ali niko se na tome nije obogatio. Ako ste kolekcionar to i budite, kupujte samo ono što ne želite da prodate. Pare će se potrošiti a model možda nikad nećete prežaliti. Neki modeli su jako teški za kupovinu, jer ih ima malo, cena godinama raste i možda ga više nikad nećete ponovo nabaviti. Ovo je moralno pitanje, tako da su mišljenja podeljena, na vama je da odlučite.

7. Be the collectors not seller's

Reseling models can be profitable business, but nobody got rich on it. If you are a collector just be collector and buy only what you do not want to sell. Money will spend but model may never get over. Some models are very difficult to buy, because they are produced in little series, and price rise for years and maybe it will never again buy it. This is a moral issue, so that opinions are divided up to you to decide.

7 Napravite vitrinu

Najozbiljniji kolekcionari svoje modele čuvaju u vitrinama ili nekim sličnim rešenjima za skladištenje. U odgovarajućoj vitrini jedan sloj laka može trajati doživotno, i potreba za čišćenjem prašine će se smanjiti značajno. Postoje i vitrine dovoljno velike da u njih stanu i cele kolekcije, to u mnogome olakšava održavanje. Postoje i vitrine koje su specijalno dizajniranje za prenošenje, takve vitrine služe svojoj svrsi kada kolekcionar želi da prenese kolekciju negde, kao što su razne izložbe ili sajmovi.

 7. Make a showcase

Most serious collectors also open to store their diecast cars in display cases and other storage solutions. In a proper display case, a single coat of wax can last a lifetime, and the need to dust will be significantly diminished. There are display cases large enough to store entire diecast car collections, and the weekly upkeep with such a case can be as simple as wiping the case down. There are also cases specifically designed for portability, and such a case should be used to protect a collection whenever the collector takes it somewhere, such as to a tradeshow.

8. Napravite katalog

Napravite katalog vaših modela. Sem što će te imati pregled svih vaših modela, moćete da vodite računa o cenama, i sve će to biti. mnogo lepše i urednije. Jednostavan excel file i problem rešen.

 8. Create a catalog

Create a catalog of your models.  You will have an overview of all your models, and you can follow your spent money, and all that will be much nicer and neater. A simple excel file and the problem is solved.

9. Naučite nešto o modelu

Nepostoji mnogo kolekcionara koji skupljaju modele a da ne vole automobile. Pročitajte o svakom vašem modelu poneku reč. Svaki automobil ima svoju priču koja vam može biti zanimljiva.

9. Learn about the model

Thеrе аrе no many collectors who collect models who  do not like cars. Read about every model a few words. Each car has its own story that can be interesting.

10.  Kvantitet ili kvalitet

Nije važan broj. Dobro smislena kolekcija sa 10 modela je bolja od kolekcije koja broji 1000 modela a nema nikakav smisao. Bolje kupiti jedan detaljniji model nego 5 loših. Ostavite cigare, popijte pivo manje sačuvajte pare i kupite kvalitetniji model.

10. Quantity or quality

Number is not important Well meaningful collection with 10 models is much better than the collection which includes 1000 models and has no meaning. It is much better to buy a more detailed model than 5 bad. Leave cigars, drink beer less save money and buy a better quality model.

11. Uživajte u hobiju

Nabavite lupu, uzmite model u ruke i uživajte u detaljima.

11.Enjoy a hobby

Get a magnifying glass, take your model in your hands and enjoy the details.

Diecast za početnike/Diecast for beginners Diecast za početnike/Diecast for beginners Reviewed by Racing stories 43 on 2:41 AM Rating: 5

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