Kako je vreme prolazilo Midget automobili su gubili na
popularnosti i najbolji vozači su rešili da promene takmičenje i odu da voze Indy
car automobile. Iako u početku Vuković nije bio zaintersovan promenio je
mišljenje kada se oprobao kao zamenski vozač na jednoj trci. Imao je stari
automobil pa nije uspeo da se kvalifikuje. Bil se vraća 1951 godine sa novim
sponzorom i startuje kao 20. Nakon 15 krugova se probija do 10 mesta ali ga
puknuti rezervoar u 29 krugu tera da se povuče iz trke.
midget racing losing its appeal to the fans, the best drivers decide to change
competion and went to ride Indy cars. Firsty Vukovich didn't seem interested in
racing anything besides midgets, he changed his mind when he got a ride as a
substitute driver for the Indy 500. However, his old car wasn't able to qualify
for the race. Vukovich returned in 1951 with a new sponsor, and starting in the
20th spot. After 15 laps he climbed to
tenth but broken oil tank knocked him
from the race.
Iako je završio trku kao 29, Bila je primetio jedan
milioner, Howard
Keck, koji je tražio zamenu za svog vozača.
Pošto je Vuković poštovao Keck-a on napušta midget
automobile 1951 i iste godine na Indy-u 500 uspeva da se domogne trećeg
startnog reda na kvalifikacijama. Na trci je do 192 kruga vodio ali nakon
problema sa volanom završava u zidu. Iako je završio u zidu završava trku kao
17. Sledeće godine dolazi do pol pozicije i nakon 200 krugova dolazi do pobede,
vozivši prosečnom brzinom od 207,19 km/h. Od 200 krugova Bil Vuković je vodio
195 krugova.
he finished race on 29 place, Vukovich was noticed by millionaire sportsman
Howard Keck, who needed a replacement for the retiring driver. Vukovich respected Keck and left midget
racing after the 1951 season at the following year's Indy 500, Vukovich
qualified Keck's car in the third row. He was leading the race when a
quarter-inch pin on the steering arm gave out on the 192nd lap, sending his car
into the wall. While he was out of the race he finished 17th. He succeeded in
his quest the next year after capturing the pole position and after 200 laps he
won with average speed of 207,19 km/h. Vukovich led 195 of the 200 laps.
Sledeće godine 1954 Bil kreće sa 19 pozicije ali posle 200 krugova Bil pobeđuje oborivši rekord
vozeći prosečnom brzinom 210, 57 km/h.
1954, Vukovich was even faster. Despite starting from the 19th position, he set
an Indy 500 record by averaging 130.84 km/h.
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Posle trke/After race |
Iste godine, prihvata ponudu da vozi po planinama
Meksika, njegov prepoznatljiv (ludački) stil je preplašio njegovog suvozača Vern Huell-a. U
trci dugačkoj 3700 km Vuković je sekao krivine vozeći po uskim planinskim
putevima. Bili su drugi u klasi, ali su izleteli sa staze i jedva preživeli.
year accepted the invitation to drive on the mountain course of Mexico, His driving
and personal styles became evident during that race in Mexico, when Vukovich
terrified his co-driver Vern Huell. The Mad Russian cut corners, as he wound
through the dangerous mountain course. Vukovich and Huell were running second in
their class in the 3700-km race when they went off the road in the Sierra Madre
Mountains and barely escaped with their lives.
Keck 1955 napušta trkanje i Vuković je prelazi u redove Lindsey Hopkins-a. Iste
godine Vuković odlučuje da vozi poslednju trku Indianapolis 500, a zatim završi
karijeru. Pre trke zove ženu, iako pre nije imao običaj, da je pita gde će biti
kako bi joj mahao na startu. U 57 krugu Vuković je imao prednost od 17 sekundi
u odnosu na drugoplasiranog. Vozio je iza dva sporija vozača, jedan od njih
Rodžer Vard je izbegavajući dim naglo skrenuo, da bi ga izbegao Keler je
skrenuo na travu ali je otklizao na stazu, u tom trenutku naleće Bil i udara u
Kelerov automobil i preleće ogradu. Bilov automobil se prevrće nekoliko puta i
zapaljuje. Ed Elisian zaustavlja svoj automobil i pokušava da ugasi
požar ali već je bilo kasno Bil je izgubio život.
dropped out of racing in 1955 and released Vukovich to Lindsey Hopkins. Same
year Vukovich decide to drove Indy 500 for last time, and then finish his career. Normally, Vukovich didn't call his wife
Esther before a race, but on May 30, 1955, Vukovich telephoned her, asking when
she'd be at the track. He waved to her at the start of the race. In 57 lap he
was holding a 17-second lead. He was exiting the second turn, trailing three
slower cars—driven by Rodger Ward, Al Keller,
and Johnny Boyd—when
Ward's car swerved as the result of a gust of wind. Keller, swerving into the
infield to avoid Ward, lost control and slid back onto the track, striking
Boyd's car and pushing it into Vukovich's path. Vukovich's car struck Boyd's,
became airborne, and landed upside down after going over the outside
backstretch retaining wall and somersaulting four-and-a-half times, bursting
into flames. As the car burned Ed Elisian
stopped his undamaged car and raced towards Vukovich in an attempt to save him.
But it didn't matter as Vukovich perished instantly in the accident.
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Posle incidenta/ After accident |
Sa ovim automobilom
je Bil Vuković ostvario svoju prvu
pobedu na Indy 500. Bolid je dizajnirao Jim Travers. Bolid je imao motor od 4.5 l sa 4
cilindra. Ovaj motor je ima 380 konja. Menjač je bio manuelni, A-Ford-ov
modifikovani sa dve brzine. Sa 900 kg ovaj bolid je razvijao maksimalnu brzinu
od 280km/h.
With this
car Bill Vukovich made his first win at Indy 500. The car was design by Jim Travers. Car have 4,5 l engine
with 4 cylinder. This engine have 380 hp. Gearbox was manual , modified A-Ford with 2 gears. With 900 kg car was able to develop speed of 280km/h.
Model je
napravljen od strane Carousel1 u razmeri 1/18, i možete ga naći za 80 i više
evra. U razmeri 1/43 se može naći samo kao hand built verzija.
Model is made by Carousel1 in scale 1/18 and
you can find this model for 80e or more.
In scale 1/43 you can only find as hand built model.
fotografije amarus69
picture by amarus69
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1/18 |
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Prvi Srbin u F1? 2. deo – First Serb in F1? part 2
Reviewed by Racing stories 43
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