Vuković je legenda
trka 50ih godina, ostaće zapamćen kao
dvostruki pobednik Indianapolis
500. Pobedio je u prve dve; a a izgubio život u trećoj. Sve ovo ne bi bilo toliko zanimljivo, da Bil
Vuković nema srpske korene.
Vukovich was a racing legend during the fifties, best remembered for three Indy
500 races. He won the first two; he died in the third. All this would not be so
interesting that Bill Vukovich not have Serbian roots.
je postao legenda motosporta, a 1992 godine
je postao deo međunardno kuće slavnih u
motosportu među kojima su Enzo Ferrari, Ayrton Senna,
Henry Ford, Juan Manuel Fangio, i mnogi drugi… Indianapolis 500 je bio deo svetskog
šampionata vozača
koji će kasnije biti nazvan F1, tako da Bil Vuković učestvovao na 5 trka
šampionata F1 i pri tome zabeležio jednu pol poziciju, dve pobede, tri najbrža
kruga i dva podijuma, na taj način ostvario 19 poena. Na ovaj način Bil je
postao prvi Srbin u F1.
was inducted into the International Motorsports Hall of
Fame in 1991, where are drivers like Enzo Ferrari, Ayrton Senna,
Henry Ford, Juan Manuel Fangio, and others… The
Indianapolis 500 was part of the World Drivers' Championship (which later
became the FIA Formula 1 World championship) from 1950 through 1960. Drivers
competing at Indy during those years were credited with World Championship
points and participation. Bill Vukovich participated in 5 F1 World Championship
races. He started on the pole once, won 2 races, set 3 fastest lead laps, and
finished on the podium twice. He accumulated a total of 19 championship points.
According to this Bill become first Serb in F1.
i kao “Mad Russian” (ludi Rus), ili “Silent Serb” (Nečujni
Srbin), Vuković bio vrhunski vozač koji
je uživao da provocira druge vozače, bio je mali i zdepast a izdvajao se po
velikoj želji za pobedom i po tome što je bio vrhunski mehaničar.
know as Mad Russian or Silent Serb, Vukovich was great driver who enjoyed
psyching out other drivers, he was short stocky man, but he distinguish for his
will to win, and also he was a master mechanic
je jedno od osmoro dece i rođen je u Alamidi, država Californija 1918, a
odrastao je u Fresnu. Njegovi roditelji Jovan (John) i Milka (Mildred) su
emigrilali u SAD iz Jugoslavije. Njegov otac je imao farmu i bio je stolar ali se na Bilov
14. rođendan ubio. Zajedno sa bratom
Eli-em zbog novca Bil je morao da napusti školu i počne da radi. Ubrzo je 30ih
godina shvatio da trkanje može da mu donese novac. Na svojoj prvoj trci je bio
drugi, a na trećoj je pobedio. Fred Gearhart je bio vlasnik auta sa kojim se
Bil takmičio. Fred mu je omogućio da počne da se takmiči sa midget automobilma.
Dve godine nakon što je započeo karijeru, Bil je imao prvu ozbiljnu povredu,
slomio je ključnu kost i opekao ruke. Ova povreda ga je spasila odlaska u II
svetski rat.
of eight children, he was born on Dec. 13, 1918 in Alameda, Cal., and grew up
in Fresno. His parents, John and Mildred, who
immigrated to the United States
from Yugoslavia. John was a carpenter and owner of a farm. On December 13,
1982 Bill's 14th birthday he committed suicide. Growing up during the
Depression and money being scarce, Bill and his older brother, Eli, had to drop
out of high school and work. Vukovich soon realized that racing cars could
bring in money -- and he started competing for cash in the 1930s. He came in
second in his first competition, but on his third appearance he won. . Fred Gearhart
was owner of car wich Bil use for racing. Gearhart was instrumental in helping
Vukovich get out of modified racing and into a midget career beginning in 1938.
Two years later, he suffered his first serious injury in a racing accident a
broken collarbone and a burned hand. In 1941, while mending from a
crash-related injury that would keep him out of World War II.
Posle trke/ After race |
je želeo da pobedi po svaku cenu. Kada je njegov brat poželeo da se trka, Bil
mu je rekao da se nekači sa njim, ali ipak cilj braće je bio da zarade što više
kako bi imali kompetentan automobil. Tokom drugog svetskog rata Bil je
poprvaljao džipove i kamione i na kraju je uspeo da kupi automobil za 750
dolara. Nazvao ga je “Old Ironsides” ( Stari Mudonja) i ofarbao ga u crveno. U
jakoj konkurenciji Bil je postao šampion. Potres mozga,
slomjena ramena i rebra, ga nisu sprečila da osvoji titulu 1946 i 1947. Postao
je dominatan i 1950 je osvojio krunu Nacionalne Midget Asocijacije.
spirit was to win at all costs. When Eli started racing, Bill warned him:
"Don't tangle with me. Out on that track you're just another driver."
Still, the brothers' goal was to make money and they planned to make more money
to buy competitive
car. During
World War II, Vukovich repaired Jeeps and trucks, earning money to buy a midget
from Gearhart for $750 and prepped it for the 1945 racing season. Naming the
car “Old Ironsides”, he painted it a bright red. Behind its wheel, Vukovich
became a champion in the California midget races. Concussions, scarred hands,
broken shoulders and rib didn't stop him. He didn't want to lose -- especially
to Eli. Winning the United Racing Association's West Coast championship handily
in 1946 and 1947, Vukovich established himself as the dominant driver in midget
racing. In 1950, he captured the AAA National Midget crown, paving his way to
the American motor racing's major league.
Ako želite da vidite na koji način je Bil Vuković
ostvario dve pobede na Indianapolis-u
500, kao i model sa kojim je pobeđivao ostanite strpljivi i sačekajte drugi deo
ove priče.
you want to know how Bill Vukovich win Indianapolis 500, and model in he make
that wins stay patient and wait for second part of this stories.
Prvi Srbin u F1 – First Serb in F1 part 1
Reviewed by Racing stories 43
11:07 AM
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