Želim da se zahvalim svima koji su učestvovali u anketi, i svima onima koji su podržali ovu anketu. Zaista nisam očekivao ovoliki odziv i prijatno sam se iznenadio.:) Anketa ima 119 ispitanika i rezultati su sledeći...
This is poll, which I conducted in Serbia among collectors. Poll have 119 respondents, and this is result.
su u pitanju godine. Najmlađi kolekcionar ima 13 godina, dok najstariji ima 62
godine. Prosek godina bih mogao reći da je reprezentativan jer se rezultat
nije menjao kako se broj ispitanika povećavao. Prosek godina je 29,87%, dakle
približno 30.
First question was, How old are you? The youngest collector have 13 years, and the oldest one have 63 years old. Average years of collector are 29,87% or equal 30.
pitanje je bio pol. Rezultati su manje više očekivani, tj svi su muškarci,
verujem da postoji barem jedan posto i žena koji se bave ovim hobijem ali eto,
ova anketa je ovako pokazala.
Second question was the gender. This was expected, the 100% collector are mens, but I believe that there is at least 1% of women who collect scale model car.
Treće pitanje je: koliko ste dugo kolekcionar? Rezultati su veoma zanimljivi.. Najveći je broj onih koji su više od 10 godina u svetu kolekcionarstva, 37,82% ili 45 ljudi.. Na drugom mestu su oni koji su u kolekcionarstvu 1-5 godina sa 32,77% ili 39 kolekcionara. Na trećem mestu su oni koji sakupljaju 5-10 godina, sa 17,65% ili 21 ispitanik. Na četvrtom mestu se nalaze oni koji su manje od godinu dana. Njih ima 11,76% ili 14 ispitanika.
Third question give interesting results. The question was how long you collect scale model cars. There are the most collector who collect models more than 10 years in procent there is 37,82% or 45 peoples. On second place there are collectors who collect between 1 and 5 years with 32,77% or 39 collectors. On third place are collectors who collect between 5 and 10 years, in procent 17,65 or 21 respondent. On fourth place there are beginner who collect less than 1 year, in procent 11,76 or 14 collectors.
Treće pitanje je: koliko ste dugo kolekcionar? Rezultati su veoma zanimljivi.. Najveći je broj onih koji su više od 10 godina u svetu kolekcionarstva, 37,82% ili 45 ljudi.. Na drugom mestu su oni koji su u kolekcionarstvu 1-5 godina sa 32,77% ili 39 kolekcionara. Na trećem mestu su oni koji sakupljaju 5-10 godina, sa 17,65% ili 21 ispitanik. Na četvrtom mestu se nalaze oni koji su manje od godinu dana. Njih ima 11,76% ili 14 ispitanika.
Third question give interesting results. The question was how long you collect scale model cars. There are the most collector who collect models more than 10 years in procent there is 37,82% or 45 peoples. On second place there are collectors who collect between 1 and 5 years with 32,77% or 39 collectors. On third place are collectors who collect between 5 and 10 years, in procent 17,65 or 21 respondent. On fourth place there are beginner who collect less than 1 year, in procent 11,76 or 14 collectors.
Što se
tiče broja modela rezultati su manje više očekivani, najveći broj je onih koji
imaju od 1 do 100 modela, čak 48,74% ili 58 ispitanika. Na drugom mestu su oni
koji imaju od 100 do 300 modela, sa 26,89% ili 32 ispitanika. Na trećem mestu
su oni koji imaju više od od 500 modela sa 17,65% ili 21 ispitanik. Četvrto
mesto su zauzeli oni koji poseduju od 300 do 500 modela sa 6,72% ili 8
The last question was how much models you have. On first place were collector who have 1-100 models, in procent 48,74 or 58 collectors. On second place are collectors who have 100-300 models, in procent 26,89 or 32 collectors. On third place were collector who have more than 500 models, in procent 17,65 or 21 collector. On fourt place we have collector who have 300-500 models with 6,72% or 8 collectors.
The last question was how much models you have. On first place were collector who have 1-100 models, in procent 48,74 or 58 collectors. On second place are collectors who have 100-300 models, in procent 26,89 or 32 collectors. On third place were collector who have more than 500 models, in procent 17,65 or 21 collector. On fourt place we have collector who have 300-500 models with 6,72% or 8 collectors.
Rezultati istraživanja\results of research
Reviewed by Racing stories 43
1:28 AM
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