Svi koji su upoznati sa trkama turističkih automobila su čuli za legendarnu Alfu
155, 1998 na scenu izlazi njena naslednica Alfa Romeo 156. Nova legenda je
rodjena. Italijanska firma N technology
je napravila ukupno 4 verzije ovog modela(u zavisnosti od homologacije i sezona
u kojima je auto vozen), 1998 godine su napravili dve verzije.
All who are familiar with touring car racing have heard of the legendary Alfa 155, in 1998 on the scene came succeeds the Alfa Romeo 156. The new legend was born. The Italian company N technology has made a total of 4 versions of this model (depending on the season and type-approval where the car was driven), in 1998 they came up with two versions.
Prva je grupa N(auto sa minimalinim prepravkama u odnosu na serijski model) i D2 verzija koja je znatno ozbiljniji trkački auto sa ozbiljnim prepravkama i preko 300 konja, oba modela su sa motorima od 2000ccm i oba su bila namenjena kako nacionalnim tako i evropskim i svetskim prvenstvima.
The first version is a group N (car with minimal alterations as compared to the serial model) and D2 version that is much more serious race car with serious alterations and over 300 horses, both models with engines of 2000cc and both were intended both national and European and world Cups.
Verzija D2, popularana i pod nazivom Superturismo, se prvo pojavljuje u Italijanskom turing car šampionatu 1998 i odmah osvaja titulu na čelu sa proverenim vozačem Fabrizio Giovanardijem, ista priča se ponavlja i sledeće godine, isti auto i isti vozač.
Version D2, populary called Superturismo, first appeared in the Italian Touring Car Championship in 1998 and immediately won the title at the forefront with proven driver Fabrizio Giovanardijem, the same story is repeated again next year, same car, same driver.
2000 godine kompletan tim prelazi da se takmiči u Evropskom kup šampionatu, gde takodje osvajaju titulu kao i 2001, opet uzastopna titula u jednom šampionatu, glavni konkurent Alfe do tada je uglavnom bio BMW ali se pojavljivao i Audi, Honda i ostali.
In 2000 all team goes to compete in the European Cup Championship, where they also won the title in 2001 and again successive titles in one championship, the main competitor to Alfa until then was largely BMW or Audi, and sometimes Honda and others.
2002 godine FIA pravi novu homologaciju za evropski turing
car sampionat, tzv. S2000 specifikacija u kojoj svi automobili postaju znatno
slabiji i jeftinij za pripremu ali ništa manje atraktivni, Alfa konkretno gubi
čak 50-ak konja, dobija gta body i nastupa pod nazivom gta s2000, takodje
Fabrizio Giovanardi osvaja titulu za alfu po peti put za redom.
In 2002 FIA says a new approval for the European Touring Car Championship, the so-called. S2000 specification in which all cars are becoming weaker and cheaper to prepare but no less attractive, Alfa loses as much as 50-odd horse gets gta body and performs under the name GTA s2000 also Fabrizio Giovanardi won the title for the Alfa for the fifth time in a row.
In 2002 FIA says a new approval for the European Touring Car Championship, the so-called. S2000 specification in which all cars are becoming weaker and cheaper to prepare but no less attractive, Alfa loses as much as 50-odd horse gets gta body and performs under the name GTA s2000 also Fabrizio Giovanardi won the title for the Alfa for the fifth time in a row.
2003 godina je bila poslednja sezona kad je Alfa po 6. put
osvojila titulu, doduše za volanom šampionske Alfe se ovaj put nalazio jos
takodje Italijan Gabriele Tarquini, te godine je FIA opet promenila
homologaciju i 156ica je dobila 15ak konja u odnosu na prethodnu sezonu.
Alfa nastavlja da se takmiči u WTCC šampionatu do 2007
godine ali na žalost više nije osvajala titule iako je imala zapažene rezultate
i par puta bila na domak titule.
In 2003 was the last season when the Alfa after the 6th time in row won the title, behind the wheel of the Alfa this time was another Italian driver Gabriele Tarquini. In this year's FIA again changed approval and Alfa has received about 15 horses over the previous season.
Alfa continues to compete in the WTCC championship until 2007 but unfortunately did not win more titles although it had significant results, a few times close to titles.
In 2003 was the last season when the Alfa after the 6th time in row won the title, behind the wheel of the Alfa this time was another Italian driver Gabriele Tarquini. In this year's FIA again changed approval and Alfa has received about 15 horses over the previous season.
Alfa continues to compete in the WTCC championship until 2007 but unfortunately did not win more titles although it had significant results, a few times close to titles.
Kubikaža 1.998 cc
Snaga 275 cv at 8.450 rpm
Menjač 6 brzina + rikverc, sekvecijalni
Kočnice Prednje: 330 mm ventilirajući disk,
Zadnje: 278 mm disk,
Felne aluminiumski točkovi 9 x 17
Težina 1.140 kg (sa vozačom)
Displacement 1,998 cc
Power 275 CV at 8,450 rpm
Transmission 6-speed + reverse,
Brakes Front 330 mm ventilated disk,
Rear: 278 mm disc,
Rims: aluminum wheels 9 x 17
Weight 1,140 kg (with driver)
Zadnje: 278 mm disk,
Felne aluminiumski točkovi 9 x 17
Težina 1.140 kg (sa vozačom)
Displacement 1,998 cc
Power 275 CV at 8,450 rpm
Transmission 6-speed + reverse,
Brakes Front 330 mm ventilated disk,
Rear: 278 mm disc,
Rims: aluminum wheels 9 x 17
Weight 1,140 kg (with driver)
Fabrički model
Alfa Romeo 156 ( fabricka oznaka 932) predstavljena je na salonu automobila u Frankfurtu 1997. godine, Model je sklapan u fabrici Fiat koncerna u gradu Pomigliano d’Arco u Italiji i postrojenju General Motors-a na Tajlandu (proizvodnja na Tajlandu je počela marta 2002. godine, trajala je par godina i bila je namenjena Azijskom trzistu). Od 1997. do 2005. godine proizvedeno je 680.000 primeraka , što je predstavljalo veliki uspeh brenda. Alfa 156 ušla je u istoriju kao prvi automobil u koji je ugrađen CR (Common Rail) dizel motor.
Factory model
Alfa Romeo 156 (factory code 932) was presented at the Frankfurt Motor Show in 1997. The model was made up by Fiat Group in city Pomigliano d'Arco in Italy and General Motors in Thailand (production in Thailand started in March 2002 ., the last few years and was intended for the Asian market). From 1997 to 2005, it was produced 680,000 copies, which is a great success of the brand. Alfa 156 made history as the first car that is built CR (Common Rail) diesel engine.NAGRADE
1998. godine, medjunarodni žiri sastavljen od 56 novinara (40 njih glasalo za 156), koji predstavljaju 21-u zemlju, dodeljuju Alfi 156 nagradu – evropski automobil godine! opisujući je kao “veoma prefinjen izgled i besprekorno držanje na putu”. 2.5 V6 motor je 2000. godine nagradjen nagradom – Medjunarodni motor godine. 156 je osvojila vise od 35 nagrada.
1998, an international jury of 56 journalists (40 of them voted for 156), representing the 21-country allocated 156 Alfi Award - European Car of the Year! describing it as "a very sophisticated look and impeccable road holding." 2.5 V6 engine was awarded the prize in 2000 - International Engine of the Year. 156 has won more than 35 awards.
Repliku koju ja vam ovim putem prestavljam je u razmeri 1/43
i sa njom je James Thompson bio treći u svetskom šampionatu turističkih
automobile WTCC. Sam model je uradjen do
poslednjeg detalja. Proizvodjač ove replike je italijanski M4. Odlično uradjena
replika koja može da se nadje za relativno nisku svotu novca, do 20e. Ono što
bih ja primetio kao nedostatak bi bili loše uradjeni farovi i nedostatak
kočionih klešta. Ali s’obziorom na cenu i više nego zadovoljan sam. Svaka preporuka za nabavku!
At the and model
Today I will represent model in scale 1/43, with this car James Thompson was third in the WTCC (World Touring Car Championship). Model have few good detail. Manufacturer of this model is the Italian firm M4. Excellent done replica that can be found in a relatively small sum of money, to 20e. What I noticed as flaw was poorly done headlights and there isn't brake calipers. Any recommendation for the purchase!
I za sam kraj slike modela, uživajte!
At the end enjoy i pictures
Alfa Romeo 156 GTA Super 2000
Reviewed by Racing stories 43
3:32 PM
![Alfa Romeo 156 GTA Super 2000](
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